Honduras Organic Copan



1200 – 1700 masl




Cafés Especiales Corquin (CAFESCOR S.A)


November – March


Fully washed and dried in the sun and mechanical driers


Copán, Lempira, and Ocotepeque, Honduras


Clay minerals


Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Ihcafe-90, Lempira, Parainema

Coffee Background

Relatively new to specialty coffee processing in western Honduras, CAFESCOR has quickly made a reputation that is turning heads.  

Processing Detail
The success starts with a well-defined plan for centralizing the collective efforts of more than 400 member-producers. With a centralized wet-mill designed to receive cherries from all of its members, processing consistency is stellar. The mill floats cherries using recycled water to remove less dense and damaged beans before depulping. After depulping, coffee is washed with a demucilager, which uses very little water. Washed parchment is placed on patios to pre-dry and then mechanically dried in horizontal dryers called guardiolas. Furnaces burn recycled coffee parchment to heat the guardiolas. Dried parchment is stored and milled Corquin, which has mild weather conditions ideal for resting parchment and preparing coffee for export.  

Quality Control
CAFESCOR has a fully staffed cupping lab equipped to cup through every lot and ensure consistent quality. CAFESCOR has also worked collectively to establish a number of norms required for certification including organic certification.  

Environmental Stewardship
CAFESCOR goes another step-in centralizing efforts with an organic fertilizer production plant that uses coffee pulp as the base ingredient and California earthworms to promote decomposition. An average of 3,000 pounds of organic fertilizer is produced for every hectare of coffee production. All of this work means that producer-members can focus all of their attention on year-round farm management and picking the best cherry possible.